Wishes all Yuying students all the best in yours future studies and endeavours.
Good luck and have a bright future ;) Take care =)
From this to ...............
wow.... this is great ....... yours creativity have surpass me haha....
Well done and great work =)
CDAC Volunteers
Volunteers and students having relaxing moments
Yuying students
Students settling down
Getting ready for graduation rehearsal ceremony
Yuying performance
You are the best
Yuying best student
Congratulations!!! :)
Hi 5! anyone??...haha.. next better player..haha
Ball of Hope
May your wishes comes True =) Gambate!!!
Rehearsal begin.....
In line, ready and go.........
relaxing moments.......
Collection of Certificates
U are the best =)
Well done !!! =)
Sorry for incomplete video, battery flat.
Sentosa Debrief
Bravo!!! ;) Great job ladies and gentlemen, Well done!!! =) A very successful event.
Thank you for your support and cooperation !
Millions claps for all of us =)