Sunday, September 28, 2008

CDAC SHG Very Own Blog

We are moving into the new era of fostering CDAC SHG centres collaboration:

It was brought up in the recent SHG co-ordinators meeting that SHG centres should have a platform for sharing information. HuiXian (staff) have done up a simple blog. The blog webby is Currently, coordinators from each centre have access to the blog. Some coordinators have delicated the roles to their respective centre volunteers who are specialised in blogging.

Are you also look for more friends in other centres? Start sharing interesting topics like game ideas, problems faced during SHG sessions or new suggestions. Share your friendsters or facebook addresses. Build a nested network of friends that have passion for sharing and teaching. Encourage more volunteers into our SHG family.

Check out the new blog and see how we shall move in to build up blog with the rest of other centres. Share your views. Let's think and plan. Cheers!


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Children's Day Celebration08

P6 Lesson Before Celebration

Celebration Begins

Games Briefing Hit the Cans down!
Pairing the cards
Ping Pong

Throw these rings through the stands

Badminton - Aim into the circle

Memory game - remember what you see in the pictures


Makan Time - Food!

Fun session with the students and volunteers during the meal

Goodies Bags

Top winners for station games

Prize Winners