Based on ex-SHG Coordinators, the following are recommended standard procedures for handling Bullying & Sexual Advancements:
Bullying- All communications have to be in written form.
- Get all parties involved to write a statement of what happened.
- Inform Secretariat (me or Huixian)
- Secretariat will notify the school of findings and work with school. This is due to CDAC having limited control of what we can do to the children and thus, working with school is more important and urgent.
- Parties will have to be counselled and understand that they are developing signs of Bullying.
- Protect our children from confrontation from other parents. All parents have to be informed of the matter (after all information has been gathered).
Arrange the parents to a meeting regarding the matter after thorough documentation and investigation. Report the matter to them transparently and request the parents to assist in the learning and character development of the children.
* The purpose of the meeting is not to nail the culprit, but rather a learning phase that the children are going through. Parents and us have to work together to help the children grow into responsible adults.
Sexual Advancements- Get more information on the names of the persons involved, where and when the thing happened.
- Get the volunteer who heard the incident to ask the child how she felt about the whole incident.
- Let the child knows that we will be informing the school (if the incident took place in school or involved school mates).
- (If the incident took place in school or involved school mates) Secretariat will inform the school and let the school know of the matter. The school counselor will be able to help with the case.
All cases are sensitive and need to be dealt with carefully.
*above idea extracted from SHG coordinators group emailing list