Saturday, May 24, 2008

Volunteers' Training Session 21st June

Date :
21 June 2008 (Sat)
Time : 2pm – 6pm
Venue : CDAC Auditorium

Programme Outline:
2.00pm – 4.00pm Session 1 – Mentoring Teens in the Internet Age
4.00pm – 4.30pm Tea Break
4.30pm – 6.00pm Session 2 – Achieve Your Breakthrough in Learning Difficulties

* Attendance is compulsory after registration, as a seat would have been allocated. Please do not deprive others of the chance!

Attending: Lynn, Jaslene, Eugene L., C.Yang, Y.Sheng, Lawrence, C.Miin, Z.Qin, Tasmin, P.Leng, Jimmy N.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pre-Camp08 Activity Photos (18 May)

Refreshment After Ice-Breaking

1st Game

Shoe Lace

Our Yuying Guys

Walking on Papers

Water Game1

Water Game2

END OF DAY - WET and "SIOW"!!!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Bully-Free Forum

Singapore Children’s Society is organizing a Bully-Free forum titled “School Bullying – Bystanders can make a difference!” on 12th July 2008 to address the dynamics of adult and peer bystanding. The forum will also provide participants with strategies to diminish school bullying through positive bystander intervention.

Date: 12 July 2008 (Sat)
Time: 9am – 12.30pm (to be seated by 8.45am)
Venue: Singapore Power Auditorium

It is a SHG session day, but the forum is in the morning till 12.30pm in town.
Those interested, pls submit your name.

June Camp Consent Forms

(1) We will be giving the consent form to SHG students for the June Camp tomorrow. The lower part of the consent page needs to be tear out, the top part is for the parents to keep.

(2) Volunteers under 21 years who are going for the June Camp has to fill up a consent form too.

Deadline for the students and volunteers to submit the consent forms next Sat, 24th May

Pre-camp08 Details

Details of the Pre-camp08:

Date: 18 May 2008 (Sunday)

Time: 2pm – 6pm

Venue: CDAC HQ (meet at 1st floor of Blk B, outside the salon / B1-03 SSC Dept)

The objectives of the pre-camp are to:

1) get to know volunteers from other centres better J

(Especially as a lot of teamwork will be needed for June Camp as well from volunteers. Volunteers from different centres will be mixed together in each team like the children.)

2) understand how the games prepared for the June Camp are played

(Some volunteers will act as Station Masters while volunteers attached to teams will have ideas & hint the children what to do.)

3) feedback on the games, so that there is still time to change any game if needed.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Our Activities (26Apr08)

Suggested guidelines on handling Bullying‏

Based on ex-SHG Coordinators, the following are recommended standard procedures for handling Bullying & Sexual Advancements:


- All communications have to be in written form.
- Get all parties involved to write a statement of what happened.
- Inform Secretariat (me or Huixian)
- Secretariat will notify the school of findings and work with school. This is due to CDAC having limited control of what we can do to the children and thus, working with school is more important and urgent.
- Parties will have to be counselled and understand that they are developing signs of Bullying.
- Protect our children from confrontation from other parents. All parents have to be informed of the matter (after all information has been gathered).
Arrange the parents to a meeting regarding the matter after thorough documentation and investigation. Report the matter to them transparently and request the parents to assist in the learning and character development of the children.

* The purpose of the meeting is not to nail the culprit, but rather a learning phase that the children are going through. Parents and us have to work together to help the children grow into responsible adults.

Sexual Advancements

- Get more information on the names of the persons involved, where and when the thing happened.
- Get the volunteer who heard the incident to ask the child how she felt about the whole incident.
- Let the child knows that we will be informing the school (if the incident took place in school or involved school mates).
- (If the incident took place in school or involved school mates) Secretariat will inform the school and let the school know of the matter. The school counselor will be able to help with the case.

All cases are sensitive and need to be dealt with carefully.
*above idea extracted from SHG coordinators group emailing list

No claim situations‏

Please note that there will be no allowance for the followings:
- SHG Break
- SHG outings
- June Camp
- Pre-Camp
- Training Day
- Graduation Ceremony

Protect Our Yourselves - Volunteers

Attached is a recent article on ex-teacher’s molestation case.
Volunteers go out all the way to help the children, but got to keep some distance. Not just to protect ourselves against accusations, but also not to be ‘abused’ by our children and parents!